Wednesday, November 22, 2006


1. This must be done mentally and not use calculators or papers
Take 1000, add 40
add another 1000, then add 30
add another 1000, then add 20
add another 1000, then add 10
what is the total?

2. A 18 year old boy was driving down the street in the wrong direction. A policeman saw that and stopped him, gave him a ticket fine. The policeman also paid for the ticket, why?

3. Forwards I am heavy, backwards I am not, what am I?

4. What object has keys that does not open locks, space but no room and you can enter but not go in?

5. It has no top or bottom, yet it can hold bone, flesh and blood, what am I?

6. How can you arrange the words "new door" to make one word?

7. At noon and midnight, the minute and hour on a watch is exactly on top of each other. How many times between noon and midnight will the hour hand and the minute hand cross each other?

8. The maker doesn't want it, the buyer doesn't use it and the user doesn't see it, what is it?

9. Find the english word that can be formed with these letters: PNLLEEEESSSSS

10. If you spell each positive number, how far must you count before you use the letter "a"?


1. Did you get 5000? most people got that solution, however the correct one is 4100 (you're good if you got this one correct!)

2. the driver is the policeman's son

3. a ton

4. the keyboard

5. the ring

6. "new doors" --> "one word"

7. ten times (not 11, you can check with a watch)

8. the coffin

9. sleeplessness

10. 1000

1 comment:

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

I liked these a lot and yes, got 5000 for the first one!
(Bob's "mum")