Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Fruits that kills

Three guys were walking on a stranded island where suddenly they got attacked by natives and were brought back to their village.

The chief then said "I can spare your lives if you bring back ten fruits for me."

They all went out looking for fruits.

The first guy came back with 10 apples.

The chief then said "Now you have to stick them up your ass and not have any expression of your face, because if you do I will have to kill you"

So the guy started, but after his first apple he couldn't bare the pain and started crying, so the chief got him executed.

The second guy then came back with 10 grapes.

Similarly he started shoving them into his hole. In it goes, one, two, three... until the 9th one and he started laughing his head off...

The chief got him executed.

The two men met in heaven a few moments later...

first guy: "why did you start laughing? you only had to put one more grape then you will be able to live!"

second guy: "I know, but I couldn't help it because I saw the third guy coming back with 10 watermelons!"